How To Avoid Getting Scammed On Ali Baba

Getting into the merchant business and are looking for reliable suppliers?

Congratulations! You’re about to dive into a world of possibilities, where the sky is the limit.

Unfortunately, there are hundreds of websites to choose from to find dependable suppliers, so which one should you choose?

One of the most recommended, popular sites commonly used for suppliers is Ali Baba. However, there’s a risk of getting scammed on Ali Baba, which we want you to avoid.

The solution? Import and export data.

It sounds complicated, but at the end of this article, you’ll be ready to take on our platform – ImportKey.

Our goal is to inform you about how you can use import and export data to find reliable suppliers through Ali Baba. Not only will you know how to use import and export data to your advantage, but how to avoid getting scammed on Ali Baba as well.

Using Import and Export Data from ImportKey

ImportKey instantly gives you access to up-to-date import and export data. We want you to make efficient yet informed business decisions by using import and export data from our sophisticated platform.

Before we move on, know that one of the most vital information you will receive from ImportKey is the Bill of Lading.

The Bill of Lading lays out all the details, from the carrier, shipper, consignee, vessel, quantity, and more. It’s a legal document that acts as a receipt. It’s a binding agreement between a carrier and shipper that the goods were received.

In short, it’s proof that a transaction occurred, giving you confidence that a supplier is doing real business internationally.

Brief Overview of ImportKey

Our software provides you import and export data in seconds.

The dashboard for ImportKey looks like this:


We’ve got the latest news and shipments updated daily. Your search history also shows up, and in this example, we were checking out Adidas and its subsidiaries.

Speaking of Adidas, let’s check out its American division “ADIDAS AMERICA INC” and see their activity.


In searches, especially in a large company like Adidas, make sure to look for the exact name “ADIDAS AMERICA INC.”

Our left-hand menu is simple:

  • Suppliers: The companies that manufacture goods to others.
  • Buyers: The entity that purchases goods from various suppliers.
  • Shipments: Transaction logs, such as the bill of lading for every delivery.
  • Date range: Available in increments of 3 months, 6 months, 1-year and 2-year. The default sets to 6 months. You can also specify a date if you want to do so.
  • Port of Landing: Narrow down the search by an international port.

When you click on “ADIDAS AMERICA INC,” you’ll get this dashboard called “Overview.”


Instantly you will see five categories in the Overview tab:

  • Suppliers: Top merchants who provide goods to the company.
  • Shipments by Month: A bar chart of the shipments per month.
  • Top Products: Most popular products the company delivers.
  • Company Carriers: Vessels that carry goods, also known as container ships.
  • Company Ports: Where the carriers deliver goods, by country port.

The Shipments tab (shown below), instantly gives you hundreds of Bill of Lading transactions that have occurred.


You’ll have access to the shipments by date, and know who was the supplier and receiver (consignee).

For example, the shipper on the page above is “INDUSTRIAS DE EXPORTACION SA,” a supplier from Honduras. It shows that “ADIDAS AMERICA INC,” is the receiver of the goods, with a cargo description and the broker who completed this transaction.

As you scroll more to the right, you’ll see more information, such as the quantity, port of landing, the vessel, and more.

We’ll skip buyers, as “ADIDAS AMERICA INC” is already the buyer, and switch over to the “Suppliers” tab.


Here are all the details of each of the suppliers for “ADIDAS AMERICA INC.” This information would give you a competitive advantage if you wanted to go into this type of business.

For instance, the supplier names are available, meaning you can google them and find their contact information and possibly work with them in the future. Phone numbers and address information are also available in the “Suppliers” tab.

Next is the “Relationship” tab. We provide a web diagram of all the suppliers connected to the buyer and their customers. Some suppliers have more than one business partner, and they can be the competition. As you can see, companies like Puma and New Balance, which are competitors of Adidas, share some of the same suppliers.


Last but not least is the “Contacts” page down below. In this example, it’s a compilation of the addresses and contact information of “ADIDAS AMERICA INC” and its affiliates.


As you can see, ImportKey has all of your import and export data needs. ImportKey is crucial for finding information on suppliers and gaining a competitive edge while helping you make critical business decisions.

Why You Should Use Import and Export Data for Ali Baba

Ali Baba is the largest Chinese import and export website to date, providing millions of items daily. It ranges from high-quality goods, to downright terrible! You must wisely choose your products if you’re going to make this investment.

When you’re searching for valid information to know whether or not a company is legitimate, you don’t know whether it’s real or fraudulent.

Ali Baba does have a verification process with rigorous criteria that suppliers have to meet, but vendors still find a way to scam people on Ali Baba despite their efforts.

Import and export data of a company shows records of international shipments, which act as critical components in a supplier’s legitimacy. Having detailed information right at your fingertips will help you formulate smart business decisions now and in the future.

Using ImportKey to Verify Ali Baba Suppliers

Let’s say you wanted to import stainless steel flasks or cups for your business, with the option of a custom logo. With a quick search, we’ve chosen this item for our example:


On the right-hand side, Ali Baba provides details about the company. In this case, the supplier is “Everich Commerce Group Limited.”

There are three things a company must have to reduce your chances of being scammed on Ali Baba:

  • Verification Badge: Ali Baba verifies there is a legal operation going on.
  • Trade Assurance: Protect yourself from botched deals.
  • Certificates: Found on the company’s profile, proof of their operations and products.

Now for the moment of truth, using our ImportKey software, let’s look for the import and export data of “Everich Commerce Group Limited.”

Down below, we have found an exact match. Success!


In one second, we’re able to see all of the import and export data on one interface.

This supplier seems active with many customers, products, and shipments per month.


As we scroll down some more, we’re able to see the popular items, and we see “vacuum” and “flask.” The “top products” verify this supplier does sell the product we were looking at on Ali Baba.


As we reach the end of the “Overview” page down below, we can see the carriers and ports, showing this supplier actively does business internationally.

In the example below, under “Shipments,” we’re able to see the Bill of Lading for all of this supplier’s deliveries. With some exploring, it’s evident this supplier does sell vacuum flasks.


In the next tab, we’re able to see all of the “Buyers,” also known as the supplier’s customers. If you wanted to get into this type of business, you can scope out the competition and see their activity.


As we scroll along to the “Relationships” tab, once again you’re able to see a web diagram of this supplier’s customers and other affiliates. It’s a powerful tool which allows insight on other people’s operation, and revealing your competition.


Lastly, in the “Contacts” tab, addresses and contact information is revealed about this supplier and its other operations.


In the company profile on Ali Baba, this supplier has the location and additional information on their web page.

Below, it shows “Country/Region: Zhejiang, China,” which matches our search of “ZHEJIANG, CH” on the “Contacts” tab in ImportKey.


Phew! Wasn’t that fun?

We’ve gathered enough information from our import and export data on ImportKey for a final verdict: This supplier has a legitimate operation, successfully showing how to avoid getting scammed on Ali Baba.


Our mission is to show how ImportKey can satisfy all of your import and export data needs. Especially if you’re hunting for dependable suppliers, we want to provide you with enough information to make the right choices.

We believe this article has shown you how to avoid getting scammed on Ali Baba, with the powerful tools ImportKey provides. The power of import and export data in today’s business world is under-utilized.

Don’t fall behind! Explore your options today with ImportKey and use us for your import and export data demands.